Bishop Annie B. Chamblin (Served from 1961-1977)
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God had before ordained that we should walk in them. Let love be without dissimulation. Distributing to the necessity of 1he saints; given to hospitality." (Eph. 2:10; Ro, 12:9, 13).
Bishop Annie Bullock Chamblin, daughter of Timothy and Annie Bullock was born on June 17, 1903, in Oxford, North Carolina At a tender age, the death of her mother resulted in her devoted grandmother assuming the major responsibility for rearing both she and her sister. The meager, formal education that she received during those early and difficult years was obtained at the Mary Potter Parochial School. At the age of 9, she was converted and began her Christian Journey. While in her teens, she moved to Richmond, Virginia, (where her father was living) to work and begin life on her own. It was here that she met and married Randolph Chamblin on November 14,1920. 1924 and 1925 were memorable years for both of them. It was in 1924 that she heard her husband's brother quote Hebrews 12:14, "Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord." Those words became a reality to her in December, 1924, when the Lord led her to a little holy church (Bethel Holy Church) pastored by Elder Sadie Yancy. There the Lord sanctified her and filled her with the Holy Ghost In February 1925, in answer to her prayers, the Lord saved her husband.
By far, her most outstanding work was accomplished in Richmond, Virginia, where she faithfully pastored in Jerusalem Holy Church for 40 years. In 1937. the late Bishop Ida Robinson lifted up her hands in a small store front mission at 1 West Marshall Street and told her that she saw a great work to be done in the city and commissioned her to go to work. That she did, assisted by her husband, Elder Randolph Chamblin. Her ministry in the City of Richmond touched the lives of thousands. Jerusalem started with only five members, one of whom was her husband, Elder Randolph Chamblin. The small group fasted, prayed, and labored until God began to add to the church and expand the work. They purchased the adjoining properties but soon outgrew the improved building. In 1953, God, through our leader, led them to the church's present site. After eight and one half years, they were able to pay in full more than $50,000 for the property plus thousands of dollars in improvements.
Bishop Chamblin preached in the streets of Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia, North Carolina, and the wilderness of Haiti as well as many other cities in the United States and abroad. She was founder of Mt. Sinai Holy Church in Kinston, North Carolina where she pastored continually for fourteen years and later returned to pastor three more years. She was instrumental in the developmental stages of several other churches, and was unselfish in giving both personal service and financial support for the work of the Lord.
In 1943, the Chamblin’s lives and home were blessed by the gift of a beloved daughter, Olive Lee. Bishop Chamblin was the mother of many children who lived at her home or grew up by her guiding hand and love. Her life and ministry was full and fruitful. She was a woman "given to hospitality." Elder Annie Chamblin proved to be a dedicated and faithful servant of God. In September, 1961, she was ordained Bishop of the Southern District of Mt. Sinai and in 1964, after the passing of Bishop Elmira Jeffries, she became the Vice President of the Corporation and worked harmoniously with Mary E. Jackson, Senior Bishop and President.
Serving God was her life. She had a special interest in young people and their spiritual development. She liberally supported the educational programs of the church, its youth, and the local university, Virginia Union University and its School of Theology. Bishop Chamblin's vision of a church library was made a reality in 1974. The library's shelves contain volumes for all age groups on a variety of subjects. She was also active in civic and community affairs. She held life membership in the NAACP and for a number of years served on the Executive Board of the Richmond Branch. Her person and uncompromising message was loved, honored and respected by all.
The Lord richly blessed Jerusalem Holy Church through Bishop Annie Chamblin. For many years she had dreams and visions of programs which would enable her members to better meet the demands of our highly technical and ever changing society. She not only encouraged spiritual growth through fasting and praying, but encouraged her members to pursue much education to become not a hindrance, but a help to man-kind. For the scripture has said,
"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding." Prov.3:13
In September of 1974, classes were started to prepare members of the church who had not received a high school diploma, to pursue studies leading to the G.E.D. Test. Not only the members of the church took advantage of this opportunity, but also persons in the community who were interested in having a high school diploma.
On Wednesday, October 26, 1977, after a brief illness and hospitalization, at about 6:15 a.m. in the Richmond Memorial Hospital, she fell asleep in Jesus. She was stricken on October 10th while singing, "I want to see Jesus, I want to see Him; Oh just to see the face of Jesus what joy that will bring. I'm striving for heaven for mainly one thing. Just to see the face of Jesus the Almighty King of Kings."
Most of the preceding text was gathered from the 1983 Southern District Souvenir Booklet. We will end this biographical sketch with an article that was submitted by Bishop Annie Chamblin to the 1977 National Youth Convention Bulletin. It is interesting to note that her Greetings were written in 1977, approximately three months before she departed this life.